Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Raigad Trek And Murud Beach day 2

We woke up around 6 AM and freshen up ourselves. And we walked toward the Shivaji samadhi.

It was beside a temple of Shiva. We visited and them rushed towards the edge of the fort as we did not want to miss the sunrise. We sat there clicked some, too many , actually pictures.

It rise around 7 according to the pictures i clicked.
It was beautiful. We clicked group pictures also.

Then we all headed back to shelter for the breakfast and tea. And then we proceeded for descend. As I know the path is not very hard, I tried to make it little tough for myself by carrying extra weight.

Some group members did a great job of collecting plastic waste throughout the way and brought them down.

We came back down around 11:30 AM and headed to Murud.

Earlier we planned to visit Janjira fort but as we got a little late we decided to Visit the Murud beach only.
From Raigad we reached Murud around 5 PM we played a lot in the sea and then had shower.

We were back ready at 7. We sat there and saw the beautiful sunset.It was my first sunset watching at a beach.

It was beautiful indeed.Then we had dinner at a local restaurant and left for pune around 9.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Raigad Trek And Murud Beach day 1

Raigad is famous for being capital of Maratha empire. We planned to visit and stay there for the night, explore it on next day and then to come back.
Altogether we were a group of 32 people from Pune so we had booked a private bus for convenience. 

We planned to reach the base by 4 so we can climb to the top and witness the sunset.
 However it was a big group so took some more time than expected to reach the top.
The path was not very difficult. Most of the part have stairs. And some places are simple but full of clay.
At the time of ascend we could see school students are coming bacm from the fort. So we were kind of shock to see their enthusiast.
At the base  we clicked some pictures and then we proceeded to the way. As I shared the path is not very difficult but stairs take our test.

We managed to reach the "Maha Darwaja " before sunset and waited for the rest of us. Once they arrived we walked towards the top.

Then we left for the top where the statue of Shivaji Lies.It was dark so we moved Forward towards the local shelter hall where we were supposed to stay.

We reached there and fresehen up. We just sat there and introduced to each other along with lot of fun and performed some other group interaction activities.

Around 930 our dinner was ready which was prepared by the locals. It was bhakhari (chapati made of rice floor) daal sbji and rice. It was goood.

We had that and then we went up to the statue. There is a big ground there where we stood in a circle and listened to the story of greatness of Shivaji who is Considered and worshipped as a god. We switched off all of our torches and felt the peace.
Around 11 we came back to the shelter. Burn some fire and celebrated our own Lohdi.

The locals managed bedsheets for us so we did not need to take all of these things ourselves.

It was a cheerful evening we made some jokes on each other then dont know when we slept.

Continue to day 2....